Deck Construction

For Deck Construction New or Existing:

Go to the American Wood Council website to download the current version of the Design for Code Acceptance (DCA) 6 - Prescriptive Residential Deck Construction Guide - 2009 IRC Version with May 2013 Addendum. This Deck Construction Guide  includes guidance on provisions of the 2009 and 2012 International Residential Code (IRC) pertaining to single level residential wood deck construction. Provisions contained in this document that are not included in the IRC are considered good practice recommendations.

The Massachusetts State Building Code for One and Two Family Dwellings - 780 CMR together with its Amendment consists of the "2009 IRC".

The Guide - DCA6 2009 IRC is currently used and enforced by this department together with the 2009 IRC which is currently in effect.

The May 2013 Addendum contains new tables and other criteria to use with DCA6 based on changes to design values for all grades and sizes of visually-graded Southern Pine lumber effective June 1, 2013.

*Please Note: The entire DCA 6 cannot be posted to The Paxton Building Department website as updates and revisions are frequently being made to the document.

As such the department recommends visiting the website (click here) and download the current DCA 6 from their website.