Babysitter Training

Babysitter Training with the American Heart Association Family and Friends CPR

Class is taught by a Registered Nurse from Harrington Hospital specialized in Maternal/Childcare.

Registration Information


Age:_______  (must be 11 years of age at time of class)



□   Check if there is a need to borrow a doll

Parent or Guardian: Please provide number(s) where you can be reached on class day.

Name:________________________________________________  Relation:_______________________________________

Phone # (s):_____________________________________________   Email:_______________________________________

Richards Memorial Library Paxton June 25, 2019    1:00pm - 7:00 pm

Class size is limited and fills quickly. Your payment is necessary to hold the student's place. If payment is received after the class is filled you will be notified of the next available class date.

Class Fee: $40

Please make checks payable to Harrington Hospital.

If you have any questions, please contact the Education Department of Harrington Hospital at (508) 765-2289.

Drop off or mail your payment to the library no later than June 18, 2019

Keep this half for your information - fill in the class details below

Richards Memorial Library Paxton June 25, 2019    1:00pm-7:00 pm

What to bring to class:

  • Bagged dinner - there is a refrigerator available
  • Doll - no collector dolls please (if you do not have a doll be sure to check the box at the top of form

Please bring your child into the library and pick him/her up at the scheduled times.