Children Golf Lessons

golf hole

Paxton Recreation is teaming up with Kettle Brook Golf Club, 136 Marshall Street to offer children golf lessons. Come learn with Golf Professional Steven Tuft

Boys and Girls ages 6 years old and up.

4 week class for Beginners and Advanced

Starting Wednesday May 22nd at 3:30

$75.00 fee for 4 lessons.                                             Classes are limited to 8 players                                             

Please make checks payable to “the town of Paxton” mail to 697 Pleasant st Paxton, MA 01612

Classes will consist of learning grip, stance, and posture, working with irons, teaching the basics of the golf swing including back swing and follow through. We will work with hybrids and drivers off the tee and understand some basic rules of golf. Learn chipping, pitching and sand play. Will be covering rules of etiquette on and around the greens.

Registration Form:

Online Payments: