Zoning Needs Survey


The Town of Paxton is undertaking a project to review and revise our current Zoning Bylaws, viewable here, that were last reviewed and updated in 2019. This project is being funded by the State through an Earmark. The Town is working with Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) to complete this project.

As we proceed through the review of section after section of the Zoning Bylaws, the Planning Board will be charged with holding public hearings which will provide all members of the public and community with the opportunity to opine. As we begin, we would like to take the opportunity to invite all community members to take our 10-question survey to provide the Town with feedback on the large picture of how things are going in the community, and what the community at large would like to see for changes, if any.

This survey will be sent out in hard copy form, along with a QR to all PMLD Light subscribers with the next bill cycle, or in the event that a customer receives their bill electronically, they will receive a copy in their mailbox separate from their light bill.

Questions regarding the redo of the Zoning Bylaws or this questionnaire can be forwarded to Heather Munroe, Town Administrator at (508) 799-7347 or hmunroe@townofpaxton.net . We thank you for your assistance with the Town as we explore opportunities to strengthen the Town of Paxton. Please submit all responses prior to the end of August 2023 (the original publication had an earlier date, prior to our anticipation of mailing date).